Science and technology are pivotal to good policy making.
Our science and knowledge activities support the 7 Commission priorities for 2024-29. They cover a variety of areas including agriculture and food security, environment and climate change, nuclear safety and security, as well as innovation and growth.
We have organised our activities into 33 portfolios to give you a deeper insight into our work supporting EU policies to positively impact society.
Our portfolios will adapt and evolve over time in response to new priorities, challenges and opportunities. The portfolios will help us to strike a better balance between our areas of specialisation and the integration required to best serve policy needs.
We will engage with partners outside the Commission in the design and delivery of these portfolios. Portfolios will become our ‘calling cards’ for outreach and for managing our relations with external partners.
On this page you can see which of our 33 portfolios contribute to each of the 7 priorities.

The document provides information about the JRC work programme 2023-24 and the specific position of portfolios within the structure of the work programme. The document includes 33 individual portfolio sheets that provide information about the work, aim and objectives of individual portfolios.