Climate neutrality - European Commission Skip to main content
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Climate neutrality

Pathways to carbon climate neutrality through a low-carbon energy system and land use management.

Contributes to European Commission priorites
  • 24 FEBRUARY 2023
JRC portfolio 8: Climate neutrality


Related news

Related events

  • Training and workshops
  • Ispra, Italy

Scientific tools

JRC-GEM-E3 is an applied general equilibrium model that covers the interactions between the Economy, the Energy system and the Environment.

A global energy model to assess the contribution of the various energy types (fossil fuels, nuclear, renewables) and energy vectors, to future energy needs.

POTEnCIA is an economic modelling tool to assess the impacts of alternative energy and climate policies on the energy system...

Laboratories and facilities

Activities on this topic

GECO provides a global picture of energy markets as they transform over the next decades, under the simultaneous interactions of economic development, technological innovation and climate policies.

JRC-GEM-E3 is an applied general equilibrium model maintained by the JRC that covers the interactions between the Economy, the Energy system and the Environment. It is well suited to evaluate climate and energy policies, as well as fiscal issues.