Education, skills and jobs - European Commission
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Education, skills and jobs

Education, skills and employment for a fair twin transition.

Contributes to European Commission priorites
  • 24 FEBRUARY 2023
JRC portfolio 21: Education, skills and jobs


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Activities on this topic

The DIGCLASS Project explores the implications of the digital revolution for class inequalities—in education, jobs, wages, wealth and health—and political attitudes, identifying new social protection policies to reduce inequality of opportunity and outcomes and foster more inclusive economic growth.

Strong labour markets and social cohesion rely on effective, inclusive education systems. JRC research informs EU policies through the development of competence frameworks, tools, and analyses of large-scale data.

The digital and green transitions, along with demographic trends and globalisation, are changing the nature of work in Europe: reshaping labour markets, transforming tasks, occupations and skills, and changing forms of work organisation.

Despite recent progress, gender gaps in education and employment remain a challenge in Europe. The JRC studies disparities in student performance, educational achievements, occupations, wages, and power and control at the workplace.

The JRC develops competence frameworks and tools; it also provides evidence to policy makers by analysing how competences and skills can be acquired by individuals through education, training and on-the-job experience.