Crisis management - European Commission
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Crisis management

Enhanced situational awareness for crisis management.

Contributes to European Commission priorites
  • 24 FEBRUARY 2023
JRC portfolio 25: Crisis management


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Scientific tools

Information on floods, forest fires, droughts, disaster mapping and/or human settlements for early response on natural an man-made disasters.

A geographic information system (GIS) for European wide risk data and methodologies for disaster risk assessment.

Activities on this topic

Natural and man-made disasters have significant impacts on society, the environment and economy. We monitor and assesses the risk of disasters such as droughts, floods, forest fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones and dispersion of radioactive gases

The JRC’s work on the nuclear science base for standardisation includes neutron data, targeted alpha therapy which helps with the fight against cancer, fundamental properties and behaviour and actinides, and structural and nuclear materials