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EU Science Hub

Crisis management

Enhanced situational awareness for crisis management.

Contributes to EC priorities:
  • 24 FEBRUARY 2023
JRC portfolio 25: Crisis management


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Scientific tools

Maps, graphs and everything we need to know on floods, forest fires, droughts, disaster mapping and/or human settlements for early response on natural an man-made disasters. Information based on Copernicus Satellite Imagery, by ESA and the European Commission.

A forum for developing shared, quantitative analysis relevant to humanitarian crises and disasters. INFORM includes organisations from different fields, such as humanitarian and development sector, donors and technical partners.

A repository of scientific publications based on a selection of papers, reports and policy briefs covering different DRM research domains and policy areas produced by the scientists of the Joint Research Center.

The Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) project aims to produce and analyse global built-up surface, population density and human settlement thematic maps to understand human presence on Planet Earth.

The Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring (REM) group of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission provides qualified information about the level of environmental radioactivity to the public, Member States, EC and European Parliament.

A geographic information system (GIS) for European wide risk data and methodologies for disaster risk assessment.

Activities on this topic

Crisis management research at the JRC includes the development of crisis management technologies, satellite image processing and analysis and internet...

The JRC carries out research to foster the development of internationally accepted harmonised methods and standards for remote sensing.

The development and implementation of emergency alert systems or standards that increase building safety are some examples of JRC's work on preventing and responding to earthquakes and tsunamis.

The Global Health Security Initiative is an international partnership of the G7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom...

Natural and man-made disasters have significant impacts on society, the environment and economy. The JRC continually monitors and assesses the risk of...

Radiation occurs naturally in the environment and in order to monitor this activity, the JRC collects and validates environmental radioactivity data...

Neutron data, targeted alpha therapy to fight cancer, fundamental properties of actinides, research on structural materials for nuclear applications, and reference and measurements for environmental monitoring, medical treatment and nuclear safeguards.