Starting the self-reflection
- To start a new self-reflection go to the dashboard.
- Choose an area and an item (statement) to answer within that area.
- Each area has 3 to 9 items. There are 32 items in total.
- Follow the order given or choose your own order.
- Items you have completed are indicated in yellow. The number of statements you have completed is also indicated.
- It takes around 20-25 minutes to complete the questions. You can log out and log in again at any time as suits you.
- Save your responses regularly.
- You can opt to receive notifications and reminders to complete your self-reflection
- Answering statements
- Read each statement carefully and select the one that best matches your current practice.
- Certain terms are highlighted. Hover over these for more details
- Examples are given to help you understand the proficiency level. These are examples and are not necessarily required for that proficiency level.
Selecting proficiency level
“I am aware…” | Choose this option if you know about digital technology/practice but have never actually used it. |
“I have tried using…” | Choose this option if you have tried out the digital technology/practice to see what it involves, but not as part of any particular strategy. |
“I use…” | Choose this option if you use/apply the digital technology/practice, possibly combined with other practices and tools, as part of a strategy. |
“I analyse and select…” | Choose this option if you adopt the digital technology/practice after careful consideration of the potential gains and how best to capitalise on them. |
“I reflect on…” | Choose this option if you reflect carefully on the application of digital technology/practice and adjust your actions accordingly. |
“I initiate…” | Choose this option if you promote and contribute to educational innovation on this issue in an individual capacity or as part of a specific role, even beyond your school. |
Feedback report
- When you complete one area you can see your feedback report for that area.
- When you have complete all 32 items you can see your full report.
- The full report shows your proficiency level for:
- each of the competences
- each area of competence
- Overall digital competence.
- Advice on the next steps is given.
- The goal is not to reach the top proficiency level in all areas but to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
- You can repeat the self-reflection at a later date and measure your progress
- Using SELFIEforTEACHERS in a group
- If you are completing the self-reflection with colleagues or another group of teachers, you can opt to share your anonymised data with that group.
- This can allow you and the teachers in that group to compare your results with the overall (anonymised) results of that group.
- Certificate and digital badge
- After completing your self-reflection you can download a certificate and a digital badge for taking part.
- These can be accessed through the Dashboard.
The following Glossary includes terms used in SELFIEforTEACHERS, explaining what they refer to in the context of SELFIE for Teachers.
SELFIE: Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering Innovation through Educational Technologies.
Active learning: The engagement of students in their learning process through student-centered methods that place a greater degree of responsibility on the learner, and with an expectation of interaction between learners, their peers, and the teacher.
Affordances: The properties that each type of software or hardware has, and that therefore prompts users to interact with them in different ways.
An algorithm: A set of instructions designed to perform a specific task.
Asynchronously: Information provided in a manner that is not simultaneous or concurrent in time, but instead which is left for recipients to access when they choose to access it.
Authoring tools: Software applications that enable users to create digital content, incorporating text, media, and interactions“.
Autonomous learning: The responsibility that students take for their own learning, so shifting the focus from teaching to learning
Collective learning: The ability to share information so efficiently that the ideas of individuals can be stored within the collective memory of communities and can accumulate through generations
Computational thinking: A problem-solving process that provides a distinct means of analysing and developing solutions to problems that can be solved computationally
Content curation: The act of finding, organizing, annotating, and sharing the most relevant and highest quality digital content on a specific topic, carried out by an individual or a team of people for their target audience
Copyright: Legal rules that define the rights of authors and publishers, and the conditions in which the work can be reproduced or distributed
Creative Commons Licences: An international licensing framework that authors can use to define copyrights of their creations, giving explicit permission to others to use their work under certain conditions (e.g. by sharing the work as it is without any change, by always attributing the author).
Creatively: In a way that produces or uses original, imaginative, and unusual ideas/processes.
Data literacy: The ability to read, interpret, understand, create and communicate data (e.g. graphs, charts, images, statistics) as information, according to context and purpose.
Debugging: The process of detecting and removing existing and potential errors (also called ‘bugs’) in a software code that can cause it to behave unexpectedly or crash.
Digital badges: Validated indicators of learning (accomplishment or skill) that can be displayed, accessed, and verified online.
Digital environment: A virtual place that provides access to teaching and learning by bringing together digital technologies and devices.
Digital footprint: The record or trail left by any activity an individual does online (e.g. search history, text messages, photos videos).
Digital identity: The identity each individual creates when registering or using digital environments.
Digital reputation: Defined by the behaviors and the content you post about yourself and others in digital environments“.
Digital resources: Materials that have been conceived and created digitally or by converting analog materials to a digital format.
Digital technologies: Comprises the following areas: digital devices, digital resources (=digital files + software + online services), and data.
Differentiation: Instruction that is tailored to the learning preferences of different learners. Learning goals are the same for all students, but the method or approach of instruction varies according to the preferences of each student.
Distance and blended learning: An umbrella term relating to teaching and learning that takes place in and beyond the classroom including online learning, blended learning, and hybrid learning.
Emerging technologies: Recent (or yet to be invented) technological developments (e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Virtual and Augmented and Mixed Reality, wearable technology, Internet of Things) that could be used to support teachers in their professional practice.
E-portfolios: Collections of individuals’ work that allows them to share their learning experience and outcomes, and advance their learning by providing a way to organise, display and reflect on their learning journey.
Ethical considerations: Considering equity and diversity, surveillance and consent, identity and confidentiality.
Evidence: Collecting, collating, and displaying data gathered in a number of different ways.
Feedback: Information provided to a learner to reduce the gap between current performance and the desired goal.
Formative assessment: Assessment conducted throughout the learning process with a view to enhancing student learning.
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): Is the European Union's new regulation is designed to strengthen cyber-security and data protection for everyone, including students and their families.
Hackathons: Competitive events in which people work in groups on software or hardware projects, with the goal of creating a functioning product by the end of the event (e.g. an app, a game)
Immersive technologies: Highly interactive, visual, and engaging technologies that connect the real world with a digital one (e.g. augmented reality) or create an entirely new one (e.g. virtual reality).
Inclusive education: Addressing and responding to the diversity of needs of all learners by increasing participation in learning and reducing exclusion from education.
Intellectual property and copyright rules: The legal protections of authors’ ideas and knowledge that protect the creators’ copyright.
Learning analytics: The measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for the purposes of understanding and optimising learning
Learning design: The development of learning experiences and environments to promote the acquisition of specific learning aims for a target group (both the process and the outcome).
Licenses: Allow the usage of copyrighted resources in a specified way and for a limited period of time.
Makerspaces: Any generic space that promotes active participation, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among individuals through open exploration and creative use of tools and technology.
Mind mapping tools: Software that allows teachers and students to create and share visual representations of ideas and things and how they connect and interact with each other.
Online learning environments: Digital spaces designed to engage students in the learning process, thus encompassing online learning resources and technology, means of teaching, and modes of learning.
Online repositories: Online collections of digital resources.
Organisational communication: The interactions that take place in the school and between the school and other outside organizations and communities.
Personalisation: Instruction that is paced to the learning needs, preferences, and specific interests of different individual learners/groups of learners. In an environment that is fully personalised, the learning objectives and content as well as the method and pace may all vary.
Personalised learning environment: An online software platform where the learning objectives and content, as well as the method and pace, can vary (so personalisation encompasses differentiation and individualisation).
Problem-solving: The set of thinking processes or actions involved in the solving of a problem.
Professional learning: Activities for improving and broadening teachers’ knowledge and skills and developing the personal qualities required in their professional lives (usually supported by Continuous Professional Development Programmes)
Reflective practice: Considering and seeking to understand the challenges and benefits of using digital technologies on teachers’ professional practice.
Self-assessment: The evaluation of oneself or one's actions, attitudes, or performance against set assessment criteria in order to learn from this activity and progress.
Self-regulated learning: A process of taking control and evaluating one’s own learning and behavior (e.g plan a task, monitor the performance, and then reflect on the outcome).
Sexting: The sending or receiving of sexually explicit messages, words, images, or videos via digital devices (e.g. smartphones, laptops, tablets).
Summative assessment: Assessment carried out at the end of a defined instructional period (e.g. a project, unit, course, program, school year), usually in order to record student learning
Support: Actionable information and encouragement that helps a student to progress
Various: Using ‘different’ and a ‘variety of’
Wider community: Comprises parents, regional authorities, external stakeholders, and in some cases the education industry.