The JRC research programme supporting the digital transformation of education covers a range of topics designed to support the implementation of the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, the Digital Decade Policy Programme, and the 2020 European Skills Agenda.
Click on each of the areas below to find out more.
DigComp is the European Digital Competence framework for citizens. It was first published in 2013 and last updated in 2022. Resources include guidelines and implementation examples.
DigCompOrg (2015) (European Digital Competence framework for schools) is supported by SELFIE (2018), a customisable tool which has been designed by and for school leaders, teachers and students.
DigCompEdu (2017) is the European Digital Competence framework for educators. Its implementation is supported by SELFIEforTEACHERS (2021), a tool to self-assess digital competence and support self-reflection to support professional development.
There is also the SELFIEforTEACHERS tool for early childhood, primary and secondary education teachers, the CheckIn tool for higher education teachers, and publications (SELFIEforTEACHERS. Designing and developing a self-reflection tool for teachers’ digital competence; Using SELFIEforTEACHERS - SELFIEforTEACHERS Toolkit).
Learn more about DigCompEdu Self-reflection Tools
The well-being in digital education study, commencing in 2023, covers both general compulsory education and VET, and aims to produce a set of effective practices and questions on well-being, for integration into the SELFIE tool.
VET is very high in the European agenda to ensure people have the right competences for the jobs of today and tomorrow. It is a natural bridge between education and the world of work. VET equips the future workforce with the necessary (digital) competences. VET can play a key role is facilitating the digital transformation process both for the learners and the future workers.
More information on the work done in the field, on the Digital transformation of Vocational Educational and Training (VET) page.
It is important to support VET institutions and companies to make the most of digital technologies for training and SELFIE for work-based learning (WBL) is an excellent tool to support them. Further information on the development of SELFIE WBL is also available.
The JRC conducts research on the implications of emerging technologies and associated social dynamics for education. The aim is to identify key innovations and trends likely to have a major impact on the future of learning and access to knowledge.