DigCompOrg Framework - European Commission
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The DigCompOrg framework has seven key elements and 15 sub-elements that are common to all education sectors. There is also scope for the addition of sector-specific elements and sub-elements.

For each of the elements and sub-elements of DigCompOrg, a number of descriptors were developed (74 in total). Diagrammatically, the elements, sub-elements and descriptors of DigCompOrg are presented as the segments of a circle, with an emphasis on their inter-relatedness and inter-dependence.



Quick guide

Digital learning technologies, in the context of DigCompOrg, constitute a key enabler for educational organisations, which can support their efforts to achieve their particular mission and vision for quality education. Deep, as distinct from superficial, integration of digital technologies requires significant educational innovation and implies a process of planning for change on three basic dimensions: pedagogical, technological and organisational.

DigCompOrg provides a comprehensive and generic conceptual framework that reflects all aspects of the process of systematically integrating digital learning in educational organisations from all education sectors. It is adaptable to the particular contexts within which educational organisations, intermediaries or project developers operate (e.g., sector-specific elements, sub-elements or descriptors may be added).

DigCompOrg complements rather than supersedes other frameworks and tools already in use for specific purposes: e.g., the DIGCOMP framework that can be used to develop relevant aspects of students' digital competence.

The primary purposes of DigCompOrg are (i) to encourage self-reflection and self-assessment within educational organisations as they progressively deepen their engagement with digital learning and pedagogies (ii) to enable policy makers (at local, regional, national and international level) to design, implement and appraise programmes, projects and policy interventions for the integration of digital learning technologies in E&T systems.

DigCompOrg is designed to focus mainly on the teaching, learning, assessment and related learning support activities undertaken by a given educational organisation. As such, it is not intended to address the full range of administrative and management information systems that may be in use within the organisation.

DigCompOrg includes elements, sub-elements and descriptors that may be regarded as linked to 'organisational responsibilities' (e.g., Infrastructure) or to 'individual responsibilities' (e.g., Teaching and Learning practices). This reflects the fact that a digitally-competent educational organisation needs a balanced combination of strong leadership and governance (for vision and top-down strategies) and staff and stakeholders capable of taking personal responsibility (for self-initiated actions and bottom-up efforts and initiatives).

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