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EU Science Hub

Digital transformation of Vocational Educational and Training (VET)

Vocational Educational and Training (VET) acts as a natural bridge between education and the world of work, by equipping the future workforce with the necessary digital competences.

VET holds a prominent position on the European agenda, aiming to equip individuals with the appropriate skills for current and future job demands. By connecting educational institutions and professional environments, VET prepares the future workforce with the essential digital competences needed in today's evolving landscape. VET also plays a crucial role in facilitating the digital transformation process for both learners and future workers.

The JRC supports the digital transformation process of VET, including work-based learning modalities, by working on the following lines of research:

  • emerging trends and technologies in VET, from the practitioners’ side
  • enablers of digital transformation of VET
  • VET systems Case studies
  • full development (fine-tune of the current available version) of the SELFIE WBL tool, as a resource for VET institutions and training companies.

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Latest events

Presentation on our work in the area of digital transformation of the VET sector, with a special focus on artificial intelligence

Presentation on the Contribution of VET to the Open Strategic Autonomy of the EU at the Director-General of VET Conference (organised by the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union).