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Scientific Support to EU Growth and Jobs: Efficient buildings, vehicles and equipment - conference report

Report following the high level conference organised by the JRC on ‘Scientific support to EU growth and jobs: efficient buildings, vehicles and equipment’. The proceedings include detailed descriptions of the sessions and overall conference...


DOI: 10.2788/12591 (online), ISBN: 978-92-79-30792-8 (print), 978-92-79-30791-1 (pdf), ISSN: 1018-5593 (print), 1831-9424 (pdf), Other: EUR 26012
Publication date
6 May 2014


The document provides a detailed overview of a three session conference organised and hosted by the JRC in March 2013: Scientific Support to Efficient Buildings, Scientific Support to Efficient Vehicles, and Scientific Support to Efficient Lighting and Electrical Equipment.

Cover page


  • 2 FEBRUARY 2022