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Analysis of total Cd, Pb and As and exctractable Cd and Pb in mineral feed


Publication date
29 January 2013


Analysis of total Cd, Pb and As and exctractable Cd and Pb in mineral feed

IMEP-27 total Cd, Pb and As and extractable amounts of Cd and Pb in mineral feed

The IMEP-27 focussed on the analysis of total Cd, Pb and As and extractable Cd and Pb in mineral feed. This interlaboratory comparison ran in parallel to IMEP-105 where only appointed National Reference Laboratories could take part in.

This exercise was open to all laboratories, but only the first 175 registrations could be admitted.

The cost of this interlaboratory comparison was EUR 250 per registration.

Test materials and analytes

The test material to be analysed was mineral feed. One bottle/participant was sent to the participants in November 2008. The measurands were total Cd, Pb and As and extractable Cd and Pb according to Directive 2002/32/EC.

General outline of the exercise

Participants were requested to perform two or three independent analyses using the method of their choice for the determination of total Cd, Pb and As. Instructions on how to perform the extraction of Cd and Pb were provided to the participants in the accompanying letter that they received together with the test material.

Reporting of results: deadline 19/12/2008
Reporting to participants: March 2009
Sample dispatch: November 2008
Year: 2008-01-01 00:00:00


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