The ultimate product of LUISA is a set of territorial indicators that can be grouped and combined according to the ‘land function’ of interest and/or the sector under assessment.
A land function can, for example, be societal (e.g. provision of housing, leisure and recreation), economic (e.g. provision of production factors - employment, investments, energy – or provision of manufacturing products and services – food, fuels, consumer goods, etc) or environmental (e.g. provision of ecosystem services). Land functions are temporally and spatially dynamic, and are constrained and driven by natural, socio-economic, and techno-economic processes.
The indicators are projected in time until typically 2030 or 2050, and can be represented at various geographical resolutions (national, regional or other). A catalogue of land function indicators is available in Lavalle et al. (2015).
Output indicators aggregrated at NUTS-2 of Land Functions are available in the JRC Data Catalogue for the LUISA Reference Configuration 2014