The Karlsruhe site is the core of JRC research for nuclear safety and security. However, some other related research programmes are also carried out at the JRC sites in Belgium (Geel), the Netherlands (Petten) and Italy (Ispra).
The mission of the JRC on nuclear safety and security is to implement the JRC Euratom Research and Training Programme, and maintain and disseminate the nuclear competences in Europe to serve both ''nuclear'' and ''non-nuclear'' EU countries. Strong cooperation and complementarity with their national organisations is of key importance.
The JRC Karlsruhe site hosts 330 employees, about 230 of which are members of staff while 100 are external contractors. The research carried out at this site supports the relevant policy departments of the Commission with independent, technical and scientific evidence in the areas of
- nuclear safety
- nuclear safeguards and security
- excellence in the nuclear science base for standardisation
- knowledge management, education and training
- support to EU policy on nuclear safety and security
- contribution to the long-term decarbonisation of the energy system

Entrance and visit permits
All visits to the JRC in Karlsruhe must be pre-arranged.
Due to physical and radiation protection reasons, all visitors must complete a registration form prior to their visit and have a permanent escort accompanying them at all times.
EU nationals must complete their application form at least 4 weeks before visiting. Non-EU nationals must complete the application 6 weeks before.
All camera phones, recording devices and electronic devices without pre-authorisation are strictly forbidden onsite.

Joint Research Centre
European Commission
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1,
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,