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General publications14 November 2023Joint Research Centre2 min read

Mapping the landscape of clean energy research and innovation in the EU

The latest Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) progress report aims to draw together the latest developments in technological innovation for a carbon-neutral future.

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The latest Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) progress report has been released coinciding with the annual SET Plan Conference, where stakeholders convene and discuss the latest advancements in clean energy research and innovation.

Providing a comprehensive overview of the SET Plan landscape, the report highlights the activities of the SET Plan actors, ongoing collaborations and key stakeholder inputs.

The progress report encompasses various aspects of clean energy research and innovation, including policy drivers, cross-sectoral issues and clean energy R&I investment in the EU.

Additionally, reflecting the recent revision of the SET Plan, as outlined in the SET Plan Communication that was adopted on the 20th of October, this year's report introduces new features, including:

  • the perspectives of each of the 14 implementation working groups and key stakeholder inputs, which emphasise the work of the European Research Alliance (EERA) and the European Technology & Innovation Platforms (ETIPs);
  • insights on digitalisation, materials and circularity for energy technologies, and skills relevant to the energy transition; and
  • review of the SET Plan relevant input of the National Energy and Climate Progress Reports (NECPRs), which broaden the scope of the report and situates the SET Plan within the wider European clean energy R&I landscape.

Prepared by the JRC in collaboration with DG Energy, DG Research and Innovation, the 14 SET Plan working groups, the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and the European Technology & Innovation Platforms (ETIPs) Forum, the report serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers and industry stakeholders.


The SET Plan is a crucial initiative aimed at coordinating European and national research and innovation agendas on prioritising low-carbon energy solutions and meeting the EU climate and energy objectives. It aims to enhance the EU’s geopolitical resilience and security of energy supply, and plays a central role in guiding national energy research strategies, as reflected in the NECPRs.

Through its Communication on revision, the SET Plan aligns its objectives with the European Green Deal, setting ambitious targets and expanding its technology scope.

The SET Plan Conference takes place annually under the aegis of the presidency of the Council of the European Union. This edition, which is held in Viladecans and jointly hosted with the Commission by the Spanish presidency, highlights the need to reinforce research and innovation and enhance the competitiveness and sovereignty of clean energy technology value chains within the EU.

Related links

17th SET Plan Conference

2023 SET Plan Progress Report

Communication on SET Plan revision

SET Plan Information System - SETIS


Publication date
14 November 2023
Joint Research Centre
JRC portfolios