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News article11 March 20212 min read

COVID-19 media surveillance - 11 March 2021

This media surveillance collects articles reported through publicly available web sites.

Geolocations mentioned in coronavirus media coverage showing large clusters of news reports.
Geolocations mentioned in coronavirus media coverage showing large clusters of news reports.
© European Union, 2020, EMM/MEDISYS

This media surveillance collects articles reported through publicly available web sites.

It is created with the Europe Media Monitor (EMM).

The selection and placement of stories are determined automatically by a computer program.



The following news were found among the most mentioned/retweeted items:

  • "Austria suspends AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine batch after death" (reuters)
  • "UK COVID-19 variant has significantly higher death rate, study finds" (reuters)
  • "In 2018, diplomats warned of risky coronavirus experiments in a Wuhan lab. No one listened. After seeing a risky lab, they wrote a cable warning to Washington. But it was ignored." (politico)
  • "Hospital waiting lists in England hit new high after January's coronavirus peak" (skynews)

The most mentioned English sources were the New York Times, AP news, Reuters and CNN.

El Confidencial, Clarin and Latinus, and Francetvinfo and 20minutes were among the most mentioned Spanish and French sources, respectively.


442 articles from unverified sources were selected forming 10 supernarratives over the last week:

© European Union, 2020, EMM/MEDISYS

Fact Check

  • Fact checkers debunk a Facebook post claiming that COVID-19 vaccines contain aluminium, mercury, mouse brains, the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related (XMRV) virus and human blood (fullfact).
  • UK fact checkers debunk claims that government data shows 460 deaths and 243,612 injuries from COVID-19 vaccines in the UK, reporting that deaths and other “injuries” may occur after someone has had a vaccine, but this does not mean they were caused by the vaccine (fullfact).
  • Similarly, US fact checkers address a report by the far-right news outlet The Epoch Times claiming that, on 6 March, 966 people died after having the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. Fact checkers note that there are hundreds of reports of people having died after getting a COVID-19 vaccine, but that does not necessarily mean the vaccine was the cause (newsweek).

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Publication date
11 March 2021