In this page you will find all presentations given during the 1st EUSO Stakeholders Forum, organised per session. Also minutes of the sessions (if any) are added.
Tuesday 19 October 2021 - morning
Recent EU policy developments in soil
Moderator: Giovanni De Santi, European Commission JRC, Director Sustainable Resources
- Welcome, scope and update on EUSO (Giovanni De Santi, European Commission JRC)
- EU Soil Strategy (Claudia Olazabal, European Commission DG ENV)
- EU Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe: 100 living labs and lighthouses to lead the transition towards healthy soils by 2030 (Nathalie Sauze-Vandevyver, European Commission DG AGRI)
- Zero Pollution Action Plan (Joachim D’Eugenio, European Commission DG ENV)
- EP soil resolution (Martin Hojsík, European Parliament)
- Land Information System for Europe (Andrus Meiner, European Environment Agency)
Tuesday 19 October 2021 - afternoon
Core EUSO Objective: Integrated soil monitoring
Scope: Contribute to development of an integrated monitoring system for the EU
Moderators: Arwyn Jones/Anne Maréchal, EC JRC/EUSO
- Introduction and Scope: Arwyn Jones, EC JRC/EUSO
- Soil monitoring in the Soil Strategy: Mirco Barbero, EC ENV
- Soil monitoring in the Soil Mission: Annette Schnegaans, EC AGRI
- Preliminary outcomes of EJP Soil WP6: Antonio Bispo, INRAE
- Indicators and thresholds for soil indicator set: Rainer Baritz, EEA
- Reflections on the LUCASA project: Andreas Baumgarten, AGES, Austria
- Alpine Soil Information System: Christian Stenier, Alpine Convention Soil Protection WG
- Monitoring of Urban Soils: Przemysław Charzyński, SUITMA Project / Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland
- Monitoring soils in semi-natural landscapes: Bridget Emmett, UKCEH
- Monitoring of forest soils: Nicole Wellbrock, ICP Forests/Thünen-Institut, Germany
- Worldsoils carbon mapping project: Zoltan Szantoi, European Space Agency
- Experiences in peatlands: Franziska Tanneberger, Greifswald Mire Centre, Germany
Wednesday 20 October 2021 - morning:
Parallel Session 1a: Soil pollution
Scope: Support to Clean Soil Monitoring & Outlook Report
Moderator: Piotr Wojda, EC JRC/EUSO
- Introduction and Scope: Piotr Wojda, EC JRC -
- Zero Pollution Action Plan: Joachim D'Eugenio, EC ENV -
- Soil pollution in the EU Soil Strategy: Bavo Peeters, EC ENV -
- Zero Pollution Monitoring: Ian Marnane, EEA -
- Soil possibilities in the New European Bauhaus: Alessandro RANCATI, EC JRC
- Clean soil outlook, context, structure, inputs watchlist and roadmap: Piotr Wojda, EC JRC -
- Diffuse pollution –plastic & pesticides: Nicolas Beriot, Wageningen University & Research, NL -
- Diffuse pollution –metals: Panos Panagos, EC JRC -
- Contaminated sites: Frank Swartjes, EIONET Soil Pollution Working Group/RIVM, NL -
- Common Forum (MS) Dietmar Müller-Grabherr -
- NICOLE: Johan de Fraye (Chair) -
Wednesday 20 October 2021 - afternoon:
Parallel Session 2a: Soil biodiversity
Scope: What EU should do for protecting soil biodiversity?
Moderator: Alberto Orgiazzi, EC JRC/EUSO
- Introduction and scope: Alberto Orgiazzi -
- Soil biodiversity and EU environmental policies: Mirco Barbero, DG ENV -
- Soil biodiversity and CAP: Olivier Diana, DG AGRI -
- Soil biodiversity and private sector: Matteo Piombino, Corteva Agriscience -
- Soil biodiversity and farming: Alfred Grand, Farmer -
- How to tell soil biodiversity: Rolf Sommer/Michael Berger, WWF -
- Soil biodiversity and IUCN Red List: Sarine Barsoumian, IUCN -
- Global Fungal Red List Initiative: Anders Dahlberg, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences -
- Soil biodiversity monitoring in France: Antonio Bispo, INRAE -
- Global monitoring of soil biodiversity: Carlos Guerra, SoilBON -
Wednesday 20 October 2021 - morning:
Parallel Session 1b: Data integration
Scope: how can relevant EU-wide data be integrated in EUSO/ESDAC?
Moderators: Marc Van Liedekerke, Calogero Schillaci, EC JRC/EUSO
- Introduction and Scope: Marc Van Liedekerke, EC JRC/EUSO -
- The integration of EU-project results in EUSO: Maria Jose Amaral, REA -
- EJP-SOIL as soil data provider to EUSO: Maria Fantappie’, CREA Italy/Fenny Van Egmond, ISRIC Netherlands -
- Is there a role for the European Soil Partnership in contributing to EUSO? : Maria Fantappie’, CREA Italy -
- EEA perspective on soil data integration and exchang: Rainer Baritz, EEA -
- Is there a role for EU national soil data organizations in contributing to EUSO? : Antonio Bispo, INRAE France -
, according to areas of work.
Wednesday 20 October 2021 - afternoon:
Parallel Session 2b: Soil erosion in relation to land degradation, climate change & food security
Scope: What should the EU do to halt soil erosion?
Moderator: Panos Panagos, EC JRC/EUSO -
- The post-2020 CAP and soil: Mike Mackenzie, EC AGRI -
- Land use changes and Carbon fluxes: Julia Pongratz, Univ. Munich, Germany -
- Food security and erosion: ChristineAlewell, Univ. Basel, Switzerland -
- Land degradation and the importance on Soil conservation: Edoardo Costantini, International Union of Soil Science Societies -
- Gap of erosion models and Development of a network to validate models: PasqualeBorrelli, Univ. of Pavia, Italy -
- An example of soil erosion monitoring in Flanders: Petra Deproost, Gov. of Flanders -
- Chemical innovation to support sustainable agriculture and soil health: Claudio Screpanti, Syngenta -
- Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils: Elizabeth Lunik, Rabobank -
- Best practices followed by farmers: Sebastian Vogler, Farmer -
- Afforestation to reduce land degradation: Rigas Tsakiris, NGO Green Institute -
Thursday 21 October 2021 - afternoon:
Core EUSO Objective: Citizen Engagement - Soil Literacy (with Soil Mission)
Scope: To establish a Community of Practice on Citizen Engagement to support the implementation of the EU Soil Strategy and Soil Mission
Moderators: Arwyn Jones, EC JRC/EUSO & Arianna Pasa, EC AGRI/Soil Mission Secretariat
- Introduction and Scope: Arwyn Jones, EC JRC/EUSO
- Citizen engagement and the new EU Soil Strategy: Mirco Barbero EC ENV
- Introduction to the Citizen Engagement/Education/Communication elements in the Soil Mission: Arianna Pasa, EC AGRI
- Citizen Engagement: how to do it properly? Ângela Guimarães Pereira, EC JRC
- EU Education and youth programmes: Dalibor Mladenka& Marlene Bartes, DG EAC
- The role of soil science in raising awareness - Anna Krzywoszynska (Soil Care Network), Bridget Emmett (CEH, UK), Christine Berrill (IUSS World Soil Congress), Gabrielle Broll (ENSA/University of Osnabruck, Germany)
- Save the Landscape Forum - Soil Europe Group: Francesca Tescari & Mario Catizzone
- Experiences with local authorities: Christian Steiner (Lower Austria/ELSA), Francesco Malucelli (Regione Emilia Romagna, Italy)
- Global Soil Partnership & World Soil Day: Isabelle Verbeke, FAO
- Youth awareness: Šarlote Abatniece, Raivo Kleijsen Laas, Darina Alexandrova (European SchoolStudents); Rebecca Lardeur, Youth4Climate Ambassador
- Farmers and citizen engagement: Alfred Grand, Benedikt Bose
- Soil Biodiversity Massive Online Course: Nelson Ribeiro Jorge, EC JRC
- Soil4Life Manifesto