ELINDER: The European nuclear decommissioning training programme - European Commission
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ELINDER: The European nuclear decommissioning training programme

The European Learning Initiatives for Nuclear Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation (ELINDER) is a training programme in nuclear decommissioning.

ELINDER nuclear decommissioning training

ELINDER is organised in a set of complementary training courses, providing a common qualification.

  • 5 generic courses serve as a general introduction to nuclear decommissioning
  • 7 specific courses address a topic linked to decommissioning more in depth 
  • E-learning provides a complementary introduction to the nuclear discipline

The ELINDER courses are open to:

  • students at the end of their education cycle
  • young or experienced professionals and managers who change their career orientation towards nuclear decommissioning

Nuclear decommissioning projects encompass all technical and management actions associated with ceasing operation of a nuclear installation and its subsequent dismantling to remove it from regulatory control, including the environmental remediation of the site.

Nuclear decommissioning is an activity that is expected to expand in the European Union - the industry needs highly motivated, qualified and experienced personnel in the near future.

ELINDER is coordinated by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with several partners including European universities and institutes specialised in the nuclear sector. The courses, including visits and practical studies, are provided by each partner in different European countries.