ELINDER offers the following training opportunities:
Generic training modules as introduction to decommissioning
General introduction to decommissioning, relevant regulation and standards, status of the play, experience feedback, waste management approaches, technical and organisational topics, radiation safety issues, stakeholder involvement experiences (a modules G1 to G5 have basically the same learning outcomes)
G1 Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, SCK•CEN (B)
G2 Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, STUBA (SK)
G3 French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, CEA (F)
G4 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT (D)
G5 Joint Research Centre, JRC
Specific, topical training modules for a specialisation in decommissioning
Decommissioning planning and cost assessment
regulatory framework, policies, decommissioning strategies and planning process, plant characterisation, decommissioning costing & funding, work preparation and management transition phase
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, STUBA (SK)
Licensing and environmental impact assessment
licensing, safety case, environmental impact assessment, global risk anagement,
safety tools, safety operational experience feedback
Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, SCK•CEN (B)
Decommissioning safety
safety assessment, risks identification, human factors, radiation protection, fire safety, risks linked to handling activities during decommissioning
European Nuclear Safety Training and Tutoring Institute, ENSTTI (F)
Programme and project management
EU decommissioning market, program follow-up, project planning and project
management, procurement and contracting, working with external companies, risk management
and SOGIN (I)
Material and waste for decommissioning
waste and clearance regulation and international practices for waste man
agement, waste categories, waste and material clearance, waste handling, packing and conditioning, waste accountancy
French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, CEA (F)
Decontamination and Dismantling techniques
decommissioning strategies, decontamination techniques, dismantling and
demolition techniques and machinery, new techniques in development, digitalisation and robots
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT (D)
Metrology for Waste Characterisation and Clearance
waste and material characterisation methods , clearance approaches NDA and DA measurement techniques, measurement validation, metrology networks
Joint Research Centre, JRC (I)
Environmental remediation and site release
regulatory framework, radiological characterisation of contaminated sites,
remediation strategies, remediation technologies, final survey and monitoring, organisation, planning, resources and public communication
University of Birmingham, UoB (UK)
ELINDER Catalogue of Training Courses
This document gives an overview of training courses on nuclear Decommissioning and Environmental remediation organized in the frame of the ELINDER project.