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Energy Storage

Energy Storage Research Infrastructures

The European Union Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing runs experimental facilities that are engaged in the development, validation and standardisation of in vitro methods. 

In addition, EURL ECVAM coordinates an international network of in vitro facilities (EU-NETVAL) that supports the validation and implementation of in vitro methods intended for regulatory use.

We primarily focus on in vitro (cell-based) and in chemico (chemical based) methods with the aim of demonstrating how non-animal based approaches can reliably provide relevant toxicological and physiochemical property information needed for chemical hazard and risk assessment.

The laboratories in our facility provide a wide range of state-of-the-art instrumentation for setting up and carrying out both small and large scale in vitro studies that use different cell and tissue models and a variety of advanced end-point detection methods. 

  • High Throughput Testing (HTT) laboratory
  • High Content Imaging (HCI) laboratory
  • Organ-on-chip (OoC) laboratory
  • Multi Electrode Array (MEA) laboratory

Check for open calls at EURL ECVAM

Energy Storage Laboratories

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The Battery Testing Laboratory features state-of-the-art equipped facilities for analysing performance of battery materials and cells.

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The Electrolyser Testing Facility performs testing of electrolysers and fuel cells and stacks for performance and durability asessment, harmonisation and standardisation of test methods and protocols.

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The JRC's High Pressure Gas Testing Facility carries out research and testing on high pressure hydrogen pipelines and components.