HUMAINT – Human behaviour and Machine INTelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems impact on human behaviour.
HUMAINT aims to provide an understanding of AI in different contexts. It looks at the impact of
- algorithms on decision making in criminal justice
- AI on the tasks we do at work
- social robots on child development
- AI on music and culture
Check out HUMAINT’s page on the AI Watch website
Lead scientist: Emilia Gómez
This project, focused on the governance of digitally transformed human societies, aimed to provide a deeper understanding of the key challenges European society will face over the next decades, understanding data as a decisive ingredient.
It had two main streams of work related to the following questions
- is there a European way to digital transformation? What should it look like?
- what are the new forms and scales of governance enabled by digital transformation?
DigiTranScope reflected and responded to society's current challenges in a global context, by bringing together key researchers and thinkers from around the world to explore the deep transformations, triggered by the adoption and adaption of digital technologies in public and private institutions at multiple levels.
Check out the DigiTranScope e-poster for more information.
Two reports are available for download
Lead scientist: Henk Scholten
CEPAM - Centre of Expertise on Population and Migration
The study aimed to dispel some common misconceptions around migration. It examined the role of migration, fertility and morality and levels of education and labour participation.
The key messages of the study are
- we are living longer and more productive lives
- a smaller, better-educated labour force on the horizon
- higher immigration volumes would increase labour force size, but much less than the essential ratio of workers-to-non workers
Two major reports are available for download
More download options on the dedicated webpage - Demographic scenarios for the EU.
The project, carried out between 2016 and 2019, was in partnership with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and JRC.
Lead scientist: Prof. Wolfgang Lutz
DIGCLASS - Social Classes in the Digital Age
Lead scientist: Leire Salazar
The DIGCLASS project (2021-2024) was born out of the increasing concern in Europe about the implications of the digital revolution for social inequalities and democratic processes. The objective was to understand better how digital technologies alter the mechanisms that generate inequalities in the distribution of resources and life chances, which is crucial for social policies to respond to the challenges of the digital revolution. The DIGCLASS project produced two main scientific outputs:
- Open-access scientific events: a monthly seminar series featuring world-class academics and the Real Utopias for a Social Europe workshops on innovative social policy proposals;
- Working Paper Series (WPs): including original contributions from the DIGCLASS team and international external collaborators, later published in high-impact academic outlets. All Publications by the DIGCLASS team: