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EU Science Hub

Stefano Paris

Stefano Paris


Stefano is a developer at the European Crisis Management Lab, working mainly on the Global Disaster Alerting and Coordination System (GDACS) project. He has always worked at JRC E.1 Unit: initially on the Global Floods Detection System (GFDS) and then in a series of other projects before joining GDACS.

Stefano has gained experience as Full stack developer, in the  analysis and development of web app, applications, microservices, tools and service using Microsoft technology, Javascript/typescript, ASP.NET, Angular (beginner), analysis and design of databases (Sql server, MYSQL, SqlLite etc).

Areas of expertise

  • C#,

  • Microsoft Technology as ASP.NET, .NET and above, Javascript/Typscript

  • Database SQL, MYSQL, Oracle

  • Desktop Application, Web Application, Services

Professional achievements 

Stefano has always worked in the IT sector on software development, web applications, data management and analysis. He started working in November 1998 in a software house, moving then to another company as Software/Web Agency and Bank consultant. He arrived at the JRC in June 2009.

Connect with Stefano Paris on LinkedIn

You can connect with Stefano through his LinkedIn profile.