PSIS Circular technologies for construction - European Commission Skip to main content
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Circular technologies for construction. Putting Science into Standards (PSIS).

EC's Joint Research Centre (JRC), together with CEN and CENELEC, carry out an annual ‘foresight on standardization’ initiative named  Putting Science into Standards (PSIS). The 2023 PSIS workshop will focus on circular technologies for construction.

Circular technologies for construction
Circular technologies for construction. Putting Science Into Standards
European Commission

The construction sector is one of the priority areas addressed by the Circular Economy Action Plan of the European Green Deal. The sector is responsible for over 35% of the EU’s total waste generation, with construction and demolition waste being one of the most significant waste streams. The uptake of circular economy in the construction sector is influenced by policies scattered in areas ranging from the Waste Framework Directive to the Construction Products Regulation and product standards, with a consequent need for effective coordination.

This PSIS workshop will bring stakeholders from research, scientific and standardization communities together with policy makers to exchange views on standardization needs for implementing circular technologies in the construction sector.

The objectives of the workshop are:

  • specify circular principles to facilitate the transition to a more sustainable circular economy in the construction ecosystem, covering design to de-construction and end-of-life scenarios in all stages of current and subsequent life cycles
  • reflect on the finding of the gap analysis developed by CEN/TC 350/SC 1 “Circular economy in the construction sector”
  • collect additional stakeholders’ needs to complement the gap analysis and define future standardization priorities
  • encourage participation of scientific community into future standardization activities

WHEN: 12 December 2023 (14:00-17:15 CET); 13 December 2023 (08:45-12:00 CET) 

WHERE: Online


•    Researchers
•    Innovators
•    Industry
•    Standardizers
•    Policy makers

Mark the date in your calendar and stay tuned for the launch of registrations and programme on the event webpage



The European Commission – Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Contact: Andreas JENET,

The European Standardization Organizations: CEN and CENELEC

  • circular economy | standardisation | European standard | harmonisation of standards | European standardisation body | technical regulations | building industry
  • Tuesday 12 December 2023, 14:00 - Wednesday 13 December 2023, 12:00 (CET)
  • Online only
  • Live streaming available

Practical information

Tuesday 12 December 2023, 14:00 - Wednesday 13 December 2023, 12:00 (CET)
Online only
Who should attend
Researchers, Innovators, Industry, Standardizers, Policy makers
Joint Research Centre | European Standardization Organizations (CEN and CENELEC)
Part of
CEN & CENELEC event webpage
