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- Roland Draxler, Dèlia Arnold, Masamichi Chino, Stefano Galmarini, Matthew Hort, Andrew Jones, Susan Leadbetter, Alain Malo, Christian Maurer, Glenn Rolph, Kazuo Saito, René Servranckx, Toshiki Shimbori, Efisio Solazzo, Gerhard Wotawa, World Meteorological Organization's model simulations of the radionuclide dispersion and deposition from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 139, 2015, Pages 172-184
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- Potempski S., S. Galmarini, R. Addis, P. Astrup, S. Bader, R. Bellasio, R. Bianconi, F. Bonnardot, R. Buckley, R. D?Amours, A. van Dijk, G. Geertsema, A. Jones, P. Kaufmann, U. Pechinger, C. Persson, E. Polreich, M. Prodanova, L. Robertson, J. Soerensen, D. Syrakov (2008) Multi-model ensemble analysis of the ETEX-2 experiment Atmos. Environ., 42, 7250-7265
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- Riccio A., G. Giunta and S. Galmarini (2007) Seeking for the rational basis of the Median Model: the optimal combination of multi-model ensemble results Atm. Chem. Phys., 7, 6085-6098
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- Galmarini S., R.Bianconi, W.Klug, T.Mikkelsen, R.Addis, S.Andronopoulos, P.Astrup, A.Baklanov, J.Bartniki, J.C.Bartzis, R.Bellasio, F.Bompay, R.Buckley, M.Bouzom, H.Champion, R.D?Amours, E.Davakis, H.Eleveld, G.T.Geertsema, H.Glaab, M.Kollax, M.Ilvonen, A.Manning, U.Pechinger, C.Persson, E. Polreich, S.Potemski, M.Prodanova, J.Saltbones, H.Slaper, M.A.Sofev, D.Syrakov, J.H.Soerensen, L.Van der Auwera, I.Valkama and R.Zelazny (2004) Ensemble dispersion forecasting, Part I: concept, approach and indicators Atmospheric Environment , 38, 28, 4607-4617
- Galmarini S., R.Bianconi, R.Addis, S.Andronopoulos, P.Astrup, J.C.Bartzis, R.Bellasio, R.Buckley, H.Champion, M.Chino, R.D?Amours, E.Davakis, H.Eleveld, H.Glaab, A.Manning, T.Mikkelsen, U.Pechinger, E.Polreich, M.Prodanova, H.Slaper, D.Syrakov, H.Terada, L.Van der Auwera (2004) Ensemble dispersion forecasting, Part II: application and evaluation Atmospheric Environment, 38, 28, 4619-4632
- Bianconi R., S. Galmarini and R. Bellasio (2004) A Web-based system for decision support in case of emergency: ensemble modelling of long-range atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides J. of Environmental Modelling and Software, 19, 401-411, 2004
- Galmarini S., Bianconi R., Bellasio R. and Graziani G. (2001) Forecasting the consequences of accidental releases of radionuclides in the atmosphere from ensemble dispersion modelling Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 57, 3, 203-219