Scientific activities - European Commission
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Scientific activities

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Scientific activities (95)

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A creative and interdisciplinary initiative that connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences.

JRC research on nuclear energy aims to achieve a viable and diverse energy mix, limit CO2 emissions, maintain security of energy supply and energy independence, and promote economic development and employment. Nuclear power contributes more than 22%.

Nuclear fuel safety is the basic component of all safety requirements associated with nuclear energy production. The ultimate goal is to ensure that fuel rods in the reactor core will fulfil their main safety function while generating energy.

Nuclear safeguards are measures that prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. The JRC provides R&D support to nuclear inspectors who must verify that operators implement nuclear safeguards and use nuclear materials exclusively for civilian purposes.

JRC research encompasses the safety of the reactors and of nuclear fuel, the prevention and mitigation of nuclear accidents, initiatives such as the EU's Clearinghouse, and resources like natural radiation and the radiation environmental monitoring.

The JRC’s work on the nuclear science base for standardisation includes neutron data, targeted alpha therapy which helps with the fight against cancer, fundamental properties and behaviour and actinides, and structural and nuclear materials

The JRC acts as a catalyst, contributing to maintaining and enhancing nuclear skills and competences in Europe and worldwide. It is also a network player, participating to international projects and initiatives.

The safe handling, storage and disposal of nuclear fuel is hugely important in the area of nuclear research. It includes issues of long-term storage, retrievability and recoverability requirements, and safe decommissioning.