Nuclear skills and competences - European Commission
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Nuclear skills and competences

The JRC acts as a catalyst, contributing to maintaining and enhancing nuclear skills and competences in Europe and worldwide. It is also a network player, participating to international projects and initiatives.

The JRC delivers a wide spectrum of nuclear training courses to students, researchers and professionals, in various fields, such as nuclear safety, nuclear security, nuclear safeguards, strategic trade control, nuclear decommissioning and waste management, as well as medical and non-power applications. 

JRC also contributes to education programmes for schools, specialised university courses and masters, and life-long learning modules for professionals.

Secondary schools

The JRC engages with the young generation through outreach activities at the JRC sites, with the aim to raise awareness and interest in the nuclear field: open days, seminars, interactive workshops and visits are regularly organised. 

Traineeships for the European schools in Varese (IT), Karlsruhe (DE), Bergen (NL) and Mol (BE) are available every year.


including on Small Modular Reactors (SMR), nuclear non-proliferation and decommissioning

University students and young professionals

The JRC offers education and training opportunities to enhance nuclear knowledge and competences of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics - STEM) graduates and more. This includes traineeships, scientific visits, and dedicated laboratory visits. 

The JRC also organises courses and summer schools at its sites, as well as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), and co-organises master courses.

Opening its multi-disciplinary research environment, twice a year, the JRC offers paid traineeships (link), that also focus on nuclear topics. The paid traineeship sessions start in March and October and run for a fixed period of 5 months. Note that applications are typically due 5 months beforehand.

Trainings for professionals

The JRC offers well-established training programmes to professionals, such as safeguards inspectors and security officers, modellers in the field of fuel performance, experts in nuclear decommissioning and environmental remediation and professionals in nuclear medicine.

The JRC maintains 39 physical research infrastructures, many of which are suitable for opening access to external users, including Euratom Laboratories in the nuclear and radiological fields. The courses for professionals are hosted in JRC laboratories and facilities or outside. 

Read here the detailed descriptions of the trainings.

Open Access to research infrastructure

The JRC offers access to its unique nuclear research infrastructure via the flagship programme Open Access. External researchers get the opportunity to experience hands-on training and collaboration in the licensed world-class JRC nuclear laboratories.

Human Resources Observatory

Driven by major nuclear stakeholders in Europe and operated by the JRC, the European Human Resources Observatory for the Nuclear Sector (EHRO-N) monitors the demand and supply of human resources and competences in the nuclear sector in Europe. 

EHRO-N is also developing best practices in knowledge management for performing nuclear workforce assessments at national level.


JRC is open to further partnerships, to promote nuclear skills and competences for the peaceful, safe and secure use of nuclear energy.