In the area of nuclear safety, the JRC addresses the key science and technology challenges to maintain and improve safety level and competitiveness of fission technologies, covering existing (GenII), evolutionary (GenIII),advanced/sustainable (GenIV) reactor concepts and Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) . This effort includes related fuel cycles studies as well as implementing long-term waste management solutions. Attention is particularly devoted to safety aspects of emerging trends and concepts, including innovation perspectives for energy and other applications.
The Commission considers it crucial to establish fundamental requirements and overall guidelines for nuclear safety together with monitoring mechanisms to protect the general public and workers against the dangers of ionising radiation from nuclear installations. These measures are described in the Council Directive 2009/71/Euratom of 25 June 2009 establishing a Community Framework for the nuclear safety of nuclear installations.
The JRC provides indirect policy support contributions by generating experimental data and expanding the knowledge base for defining safety-relevant policies and regulations. This is achieved through bilateral support/collaboration (e.g. support to Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER) on reactor and fuel safety matters, collaboration with Member State research and safety organizations, implementation lines of The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP) technology and safety targets), and by releasing data in scientific publications.
JRC's nuclear safety expertise is also utilised in direct support to EU policy on the promotion of the highest standards of nuclear safety outside the EU through assistance to the Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) for the implementation of the Instruments of Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INCS).
JRC’s nuclear safety research encompasses reactor safety, including their components, as well as the safety of the nuclear fuel. Studies focus on e long-term safe operation of both Western and Russian type nuclear power plants as well as the evaluation of Generation IV and SMR advanced reactor systems. The research involves generating experimental data within the EMMA laboratories on structural materials’ behaviour under reactor-like conditions. Additionally, harmonised guidelines and procedures for lifetime assessments, supply chain research for Structures, Systems and Components (SSC) and safety assessments, including Severe Accident Management (SAM) are further significant research areas covered by the JRC . On the other hand, activities with regard to the safety of nuclear fuel concentrate on prevention and mitigation of the consequences of hypothetical accidents. The two main aspects in this research are: mechanical integrity of the fuel assemblies during reactor lifetime, and fuel response to transient conditions and to severe reactor accident conditions. The studies have also to reflect on the new reactor strategies presently considered worldwide, such as the Generation IV International Forum, inspired by a comprehensive assessment including public concerns, such as improved safety, reduced wastes and improved resistance to proliferation.

The Clearinghouse initiative brings together the European Safety Authorities to develop from lessons learned on operational experience. Moreover, JRC delivers scientific and technical support to European Commission Services ensuring that the highest standards of safety are achieved and maintained throughout the EU and to promote them outside the EU.

Reactor safety and components research encompasses modelling studies and experimental activities. Safety and resistance to severe accident of the different types of reactors as well as performance assessment of reactor components are at the focus of these activities.

Nuclear fuel safety research at the JRC involves experimenting under normal and extreme circumstances in order to study nuclear fuel behaviour, in order to provide knowledge on the safety limits of nuclear fuel.

The safe handling, storage and disposal of nuclear fuel is hugely important in the area of nuclear research, and includes the areas of long-term storage, retrievability and recoverability requirements, and safe decommissioning.

Radiation occurs naturally in the environment and in order to monitor this activity, the JRC collects and validates environmental radioactivity data from natural origin.
All EU member states are required to monitor radioactivity in the environment. The JRC is responsible for collecting this data, where it is then compiled in an online Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring (REM) database.

The JRC has developed a platform for the assessment of reactor accident and consequent radiological releases with the aim of providing technical support to the decision path of the European Commission Services and Member States.