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EU Science Hub

Scientific activities

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Scientific activities (141)

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The JRC establishes best environmental management practices (BEMPs) of organisations in order to produce Sectoral Reference Documents (SRDs) which are...

The JRC aims to provide independent scientific advice related to the production and use of biofuels.The JRC’s scientific activities on bioenergy and...

Developing and running software tools and methods able to organise, store, retrieve and analyse large volumes of biological data is what...

The JRC border security research supports the Commission's plans towards stronger external borders, improved border management, and information exchange.

Carbon capture and storage is an innovative technology designed to capture, transport and securely store CO2 underground, preventing its release into the atmosphere.

The JRC is one of the major developers and producers of reference materials, which are produced in support of EU policy.

Understanding the possible roles of citizen and the relationships that are emerging due to data governance and digital transformation

The European Clearinghouse initiative on Nuclear Power Plants Operational Experience Feedback (“EU Clearinghouse”) has been set up in support of EU...