The Survey Methods and Analysis Centre - European Commission
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The Survey Methods and Analysis Centre

The Survey Methods and Analysis Centre (SMAC) is a specialised research centre that supports high-quality data collection and analysis within the Joint Research Centre’s Science for Modelling, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit.

About us

Our activities

  • Surveys

    SMAC provides support with data collection and survey design. This includes guidance on sampling strategies, survey mode and duration, questionnaire design, and insights on quality control.

  • Data analysis

    SMAC provides a range of data analysis services, including descriptive statistics and regression analysis. SMAC can also help to communicate the findings of the analysis, in the form of policy briefs or reports.

  • Publications

    The SMAC team regularly publishes policy reports, briefs, and peer-reviewed articles in recognised international journals, e.g., The Journal Of Human Resources, European Economic Review, Journal of Health Economics, and Journal of Economic Geography. 

    Check out recent publications

  • Events

    SMAC organises a variety of events and workshops. 

    These include trainings on survey methods, thematic events and research presentations.

    Discover upcoming events


Beyond averages - Fairness

To provide a wider evidence base that can enhance EU policy aiming to achieve this goal, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) has embarked on a multi-year cross-national research project to study different aspects of fairness.


The Joint Research Centre, in collaboration with the European Parliament and the European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, studies loneliness in the EU within the framework of the pilot project “Monitoring Loneliness in Europe”.

The Survey Methods and Analysis Centre (SMAC) supports the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy in analysing surveys on urban quality of life across Europe since 2007, covering topics like cleanliness, safety, satisfaction with air quality, public transport, job availability, and affordable housing.


SMAC - Survey Methods and Analysis Centre