Protection of public spaces from terrorist attacks - European Commission
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Protection of public spaces from terrorist attacks

Protecting the European citizens from terrorist attacks is of paramount importance to the European Institutions.

In recent years, terrorism has affected almost every sphere of human life, be it economic, political, social or psychological. Terroristic acts target the very cultural identity of people and pose a threat to our way of living.

Unfortunately as we all remember, recent terrorist acts have recurrently targeted unprotected public spaces like:

  • urban centres,
  • recreational venues,
  • places of worship or
  • commercial centres.

In accordance with the Action Plan to support the protection of public spaces the European Commission’s is committed to support EU countries.

We in the JRC, in collaboration with the Commission's department responsible for EU policy on migration and home affairs (DG HOME), aim to provide European-level solutions to urban challenges, adopting a city-as-a-whole perspective.

We are studying the effects of threats, devising mitigating solutions and proposing guidance material for EU countries, city authorities and operators.

Our research is in line with the "security by design" concept. That means security is addressed from the very conception of the public space project.

Data and tools

Data and tools to counter terrorism

A dedicated page offers tool, guidance and data to counter terrorism on public spaces. It offers in particular tools to assess the vulnerability of buildings or public squares and offers guidelines how to protect the exploration of such kind of vulnerabilities.

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Newsletter on the protection of public spaces

JRC and DG HOME are publishing a Commission Newsletter on the protection of Public Spaces.