The Gems of Water is a citizen engagement project for water quality monitoring.
By challenging the typical roles of citizens and scientists, the project connects local groups concerned with water quality issues around the world to scientists, who provide methodological, technical and analytical support to monitor pollution caused by organic contaminants.
The Gems of Water uses an advanced technique, the Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE), to assess the occurrence of agrochemicals in surface and groundwater. The project is currently travelling to various locations, including Costa Rica, Kenya, Australia, Romania and Bulgaria.
The project aligns with UN resolutions on monitoring water quality. It supports the World Water Quality Alliance in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme Global Environment Monitoring System for Water (UNEP GEMS/Water) collecting different types of data on water quality around the world.

The Gems of Water stories

"In my case, at one of the points the extraction was complicated since the river changed and we could not reach it safely. Thanks to the help of a local, we were able to extract the sample from above a bridge with a fishing line. It was a beautiful experience. When there was something to solve, creativity was key to achieving it. Everyone's flexibility and enthusiasm was a plus. These insights will be valuable for future projects."
- Maria, Coral Conservation

"I was motivated to join by my passion for advocating for conservation protection and proper management of freshwater sources in Kenya for the benefit of people and nature"
– Enock, Kenya National Association of Water Resources Users Association
How to become a Gem of Water
Citizens can receive a tool kit with instructions and protocols to become their own water scientists!

By becoming a water scientist, you will:
- receive a kit and lab tools to collect samples of nearby water sources
- extract the pollutants and send to JRC scientists
- have a virtual lab tour at the JRC in Italy, where scientists measure pollutants
- understand and share results with your community