Border Security Solutions - European Commission
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EU Science Hub

Border Security Solutions

The JRC border security research supports the Commission's plans towards stronger external borders, improved border management, and information exchange.

The JRC border security research supports the Commission's plans towards stronger external borders, improved border management, and information exchange.

The Border Security Solutions (BOSS) activity aims at supporting the Commission plans towards stronger external borders and improved information exchange. To ensure the security of the EU external Border, it is crucial to understand and address all its different dimensions (Sea, Land, Sky, Cyber) focusing both on people and goods. The activity includes several activities, which provide an approach to Border Security from different angles.

Key objectives are:

  • To contribute to the analysis of the past and ongoing research projects in the field of Border Security.

  • To assess the support provided by European funding to the development of technologies throughout the different funded projects, including also ethical and societal issues.

  • To provide adequate methodologies and tools for the monitoring and analysis of cross border mobility

  • To provide scientific and technical support to activities in the field of Border Security, including standardisation, analysis of funded research achievements, cross border movements.


Read more about our work

EU land border sign

Research and innovation for EU Border Security contributes to the security of the EU Schengen borders through research on topics relevant to border management in collaboration with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex). Collaboration on project level between JRC and Frontex has been going on for many years in diverse fields.

Behaviour Detection and Analysis

Behaviour Detection and Analysis (BDA) examines the value of behaviour detection and how behaviour detection is used by border police forces in Europe. In addition we are interested to find out about related technology in development.

Mobility Analytics of borders

Mobility Analytics of borders (MOBAN) monitors movement of people in Schengen cross border areas by collecting and analysing near live data from various sources.

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