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EU Science Hub

Corporate taxation

CORTAX model

Corporate tax microsimulation model

  • Corporate microsimulation model

    The JRC is currently developing a tailored corporate tax microsimulation model for the EU. The primary focus of this model is to provide valuable insights into the fiscal and distributional impact of corporate income tax (CIT) reforms.

    Corporate tax microsimulation model 

Business taxation for 21st century

  • Business Taxation Corporate

    Building on its analytical tools, such as the CORTAX model, the JRC provides key inputs to the evidence base underpinning current policy initiatives.

    Business taxation for 21st century 

Debt-equity bias

  • Debt equity Corporate

    In its Communication on Business Taxation for the 21st Century, the European Commission announced a legislative proposal to address the debt-equity bias in corporate taxation through an allowance system. The JRC contributed to the economic impact assessment of this initiative by analysing the effects of different forms of tax allowances for equity on important macroeconomic aggregates using the general equilibrium model CORTAX.

    Debt-equity bias

Withholding taxes