New release of the eStation version 1.3.2
26 February 2025
We have just published the new eStation for Climate and Environment, version 1.3.2. This update contains bug fixing, modifications to CDS API to solve issues faced with subseasonal forecast download, and performance optimizations of the system for better response times.
The Release Note for version 1.3.2 is available below.
For those responsible for your installation, update your system as follows:
$ cd ~/CS-Installer
$ git pull
$ ./ down
$ ./ -p
SFTP Server Shutdown and New URL for Historical Archive
20 December 2024
Our SFTP server ( you have been using to copy the historical archives (Directory: /narma/eStation_2.0/Archive-CS) will be shutting down soon.
To ensure continued access, please use the new URL provided below:
ClimSA Station Presented at the 16th EUMETSAT User Forum in Africa
Carolina Arias Muñoz (JRC D.6) participated in the 16th EUMETSAT User Forum in Africa, which took place in Cotonou, Benin, from 16-20 September, 2024. This was the continuation of the technical session held online in June. Over 150 participants from 46 African countries and various international organizations attended the event, which focused on enhancing the use of satellite data for climate monitoring and decision-making.
During the forum, Carolina Arias Munoz presented the deployment and capabilities of the ClimSA Station, demonstrating its support for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) in climate data integration. She outlined the station’s features, its role in providing tailored climate services, and upcoming enhancements, including a chatbot and integration with the Africa Knowledge Platform. Additionally, she highlighted the station's role in regional climate monitoring, particularly in integrating bulletins data from AGRHYMET and ACMAD, and the use of Jupyter Notebooks for generating climate bulletins to enhance climate services.
All of this gave an introduction to the ClimSA and PUMA stations deployment that started last month in Africa.
Cotonou Declaration on the use of satellite data for monitoring Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and Air Quality in Africa.
The forum led to several key initiatives, including the adoption of the Cotonou Declaration, which emphasizes the use of satellite data for monitoring Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and Air Quality across Africa. This declaration promotes systems such as the ClimSA Climate Station to improve both national and regional climate monitoring capacities, while calling for strengthened partnerships to ensure the effective implementation of these satellite-based monitoring solutions.
A new “Space for Early Warning in Africa” project is coming
Additionally, the Space for Early Warning in Africa project was introduced, aiming to enhance early warning systems across the continent. This initiative will further support the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) transition, maintain RARS Africa stations, and establish AMSAF Nowcasting in each African region. A key focus will be on improving nowcasting and climate forecasting capabilities throughout Africa.
CLIMSA: Deployment of JRC Climate Station started in Africa
The first batch of ClimSA stations was installed in Nairobi, Kenya, on the second week of August, at the Kenyan Meteorological Department (KMD), ICPAC and the Regional Training Center (IMRT). The deployment will be concluded in 2025, and involve all African countries.
The equipment includes the PUMA-2025 receiving stations, specifically designed to capture data from the Third Generation of Meteosat geostationary satellites (MTG) and the JRC Climate Station to support the climate services information systems of the regional and national mandated institutions.
The deployment represents a major milestone for the ClimSA program, a EUR 85 million investment under the 11th European Development Fund aiming to strengthen the climate services in ACP countries, and supporting the implementation of the WMO Global Framework for Climate Services. ClimSA helps the ACP countries, considered as the most vulnerable in the world to the impacts of climate change because of multiple existing stresses, from low adaptive capacity to intrinsic exposure to climate change, due to geographical conditions. Reliable information on climate change and variability can build resilience to climate impacts; saving lives, stopping and reversing desertification and improving livelihoods.
The Climate Station is an application developed by JRC for enabling a seamless and operational exploitation of the climate datasets, including from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), and for supporting climate services in agricultural and water resources monitoring, seasonal forecast and climate reports.
The eStation portal has been moved
The eStation portal has been moved here under the JRC Science Hub.
On 15 July 2024, the eStation portal will be shut down and you will be redirected automatically here under the JRC Science Hub.
The eStation online version 2.0 will shut down
The eStation online version 2.0, is going to close and the new eStation online version 3.0 will take over.
The new eStation online version 3.0 is already available, and we invite you to start using it and setup your workspaces!
On 15 July 2024, the eStation online version 2.0 will close and you will be redirected automatically to the eStation online version 3.0.