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EU Science Hub

Inclusive and resilient society

Towards an inclusive and resilient society: social justice and fair twin transitions.

Contributes to EC priorities:
24 FEBRUARY 2023
JRC portfolio 20: Inclusive and resilient society


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Scientific tools

The Gender Equality Strategy monitoring portal is an online tool accompanying the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025. It is designed to monitor the implementation of the Strategy by tracking performances across EU in its three main dimensions.

The JRC is mapping loneliness interventions across the EU-27. The aim of the mapping is to understand what works to tackle loneliness and identify potential gaps with the ultimate goal of informing and supporting policy making.

Activities on this topic

The increasingly globalised business environment raises questions for the design of corporate tax, as does the move towards a knowledge-based economy...

The DIGCLASS project addresses both opportunities and challenges related to the impact of technological change—automation, digitalisation and platformisation—on socioeconomic inequalities in the labour market; health outcomes; educational attainment; and political behaviour.

Improving the efficiency with which energy is consumed by end-users is a central theme of the European Union's energy policy. Energy efficiency is one...

EUROMOD is the tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union. It enables researchers and policy analysts to simulate, consistently across...

In the aftermath of the financial and sovereign debt crisis, the need for a better understanding of the fiscal and equity implications of national tax...

The European Semester is the EU's annual cycle of economic policy guidance and surveillance. Each year, the Commission undertakes detailed analyses of...

Despite recent progress, gender gaps in education and employment remain a challenge in Europe. The JRC studies disparities in student performance, educational achievements, occupations, wages, and power and control at the workplace.

In the last decades, the European society has been facing many different challenges. Our society is being transformed byclimate change,demographic...

SMAC is a specialised research centre that supports high-quality data collection and analysis within the Joint Research Centre’s Science for Modelling, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit.