This tool makes it possible to estimate the energy production from various types of sun-tracking PV systems connected to the electricity grid. The characteristic angles of the different sun tracking systems can be defined by the user or calculated by PVGIS in order to maximize the yearly energy production. As with the fixed-mounted PV system tool, the calculation takes into account the solar radiation, temperature, wind speed and type of PV module.
The tool can be accessed with:
- PVGIS interface: Tracking PV tab
- Non-interactive service: /api/PVcalc
The output formats are the same as for grid-connected PV. It consists of monthly average values of PV system energy output and in-plane irradiation per month and for the full year, calculated from a multi-year time series of solar radiation and other climatic parameters. Some additional information about the calculation is also supplied in the output.
In the non-interactive interface you can choose to make calculations for fixed mounting systems, tracking systems, or both. If you use the PVGIS tools, you will get only the fixed mounting output if you use the "Fixed grid-connected" tool, and only the tracking system output if you use the "Tracking grid-connected" tool.