1. Features
PVGIS 5.3 includes the following improvements:
- Update and extension of the temporal coverage of current PVGIS solar radiation and meteorological datasets, up to the year 2023.
- Datasets now include satellite-based SARAH-3 and reanalysis ERA5+Land (our combination of the high resolution ERA5-Land with an interpolated version of ERA5 around the coastlines).
- Data availability has been extended to cover 25 km outside the coastline and inside the water areas.
- PVGIS 5.1 will now be decommissioned (users can to continue to use PVGIS 5.2).
- The JRC-SARAH irradiance dataset (predecessor to JRC-SARAH2 and JRC-SARAH3) is no longer available. Likewise the JRC-ERA-Interim dataset has been taken offline.
The dataset changes from PVGIS5.2 to PVGIS 5.3 are summarized in the following table
Parameter | PVGIS 5.2.1 | PVGIS 5.3 (new) |
Solar radiation (satellite) | CMSAF SARAH-2, Time frame: 2005-2020, Sea: not covered | CMSAF SARAH-3, Time frame: 2005-2023, Sea: 25 km coastal zone |
Solar radiation (reanalysis) | ECMWF ERA5, Time frame: 2005-2020, Sea: not covered | ECMWF ERA5, Time frame: 2005-2023, Sea: 25 km coastal zone |
T2m, wind speed, wind direction, RH, SLP | Land: ERA5-Land & ERA5, Time frame: 2005-2020, Sea: not covered, Temperature downscaling: No | Land: ERA5-Land & ERA5, Time frame: 2005-2023, sea: 25 km coastal zone, Temperature downscaling: No |
Spectral corrections | Location-specific monthly correction on PV energy yield | Unchanged |
Digital Elevation Model | SRTM (90 m) with GTOPO30 in polar regions | Unchanged |
Horizon height | GRASS r.horizon using SRTM & GTOPO30 | Unchanged |
2. Dataset coverage
This figure shows the geographic coverage of the JRC-SARAH3 and JRC-ERA5 datasets for solar irradiance.
3. Validation
The following internal JRC report provides more details and shows the main differences (in terms of energy yield, irradiance, etc.) with version 5.2 and comparisons with BSRN stations in the coverage area of SARA: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Gounari, O., Martinez, A., Taylor, N. and Alexandris, N., PVGIS 5.3 Dataset Update, European Commission, Ispra, 2024, JRC139355.

PVGIS5.3 dataset description