Mikel Landabaso works in the European Commission since 1990. He is Director for Fair and Sustainable Economy at the Joint Research Centre, managing the Seville site. Previously he was Director for Strategy and Corporate Communication at DG COMM under the President’s Cabinet. He has also worked as Head of Cabinet of Regional Policy Commissioner and Head of Unit in several Units, including as responsible for Smart and Sustainable Growth and the Structural Funds for Spain, as well as assistant to the Director General of DG Regio. These jobs covered both, policy design and policy implementation. Before joining the EU Commission he worked as Head of the Research Department and Assistant to the Director General of the Basque Innovation Agency (SPRI S.A. a holding company with over 20 subsidiaries) 1986-1990. He was appointed external expert to the first Spanish White Book on Innovation by the COTEC foundation. Other than writing in several International journals, he has participated as referee for several publications, including proposals to the British ESRC and the Regional Science Association, as well as member of the editorial board of "Ekonomiaz" and the ‘International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development” (IJIRD). He has been secretary (1988-1990) of the Basque regional science association as well as a member of the scientific committee of the regional science association in French language annual conference, as well as appointed editor to a special issue on Smart specialisation Strategies for the International Journal of Management Studies. He has also been a Member of the Advisory Board of the Basque Institute of Competitiveness. Mikel currently has 2.778 Citations in Google Scholar with an h-index of 21 and i-index of 35.
He has participated as invited speaker by national and regional governments as well as international organizations, including OECD, the Ford Foundation, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy in Japan, the National Centre for Strategic Studies and Management of Brazil, IC2 Institute in Austin (Texas), World Bank as well as by several European organisations including OSEO in France, NUTEK and Vinnova in Sweden, Fraunhofer Institut Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung in Germany, etc. He has edited, co-authored or written chapters in several books and international journals on economic development.
He is currently Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of Cardiff. Previously he has also worked part time as lecturer in economics at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Belgium (2001-2007), Visiting Fellow at the University of North Carolina (USA) (2000), Deusto University and the public University of the Basque Country in Spain (1987-1990). He was given the 2004 “Christiane Bom Award” for his contribution to innovation in European Regional policy by the European Regional Development Agencies Association – EURADA. Mikel Landabaso is PhD in Economics (University of the Basque Country 1994, Spain), M.A. in Development Economics (University of East Anglia 1983-84, U.K.), Diploma in Advanced European Studies, with a scholarship from the Basque Government (College of Europe 1985-86, Belgium) and Licenciado en Ciencias Economicas (Universidad del Pais Vasco, 1978-1983). He did his senior year of High school at Moundsview High (Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1977-78, U.S.A.) with an AFS scholarship.