Laboratories - European Commission
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EU Science Hub


The JRC maintains a wide range of laboratories and research infrastructures across five EU countries and six sites. Several offer open access: see if any research infrastructures are currently open

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Laboratories (43)

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A JRC scientist is fitting of lithium ion battery cells in a dedicated holder for performance testing.
  • research body

The Battery Testing Laboratory features state-of-the-art equipped facilities for analysing performance of battery materials and cells.

  • research body
  • Border Security RI

The Border Security RIs comprises a selection of security screening equipment representative of what is used in EU airports for screening passengers, cabin baggage and hold baggage.

Assembly of a solid oxide fuel cell stack in the Fuel Cell Testing Facility
  • research body

The Electrolyser Testing Facility performs testing of electrolysers and fuel cells and stacks for performance and durability asessment, harmonisation and standardisation of test methods and protocols.

Molecular ecotoxicology
  • research body
  • EBL

The Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory is focused on applying bio-based technologies to generate scientific evidence on ocean and water bodies.

JRC EU Policy Lab
  • research body
  • EUPL

The EU Policy Lab is a physical space designed to foster creativity to develop interactions, processes and tools contributing to bring innovation in European policymaking

ESTI has a unique range of class AAA solar simulators for accurate calibration, testing and long-term assessment of photovoltaic cells and modules
  • research body
  • ESTI

The JRC's European Solar Test Installation carries out research on reliable and accurate measurements for photovoltaic devices and supports the EU in meeting its targets for renewable energy.

Explosives Trace Detection
  • research body
  • ETDL

Explosives trace detection laboratory conducts research in support of European Commission Mobility and Transport's aviation security (AVSEC)...

Inorganic sample preparation laboratory
  • research body
  • FCM

The Food Contact Material Laboratory develops test methods and analytical methods for assessing the chemical safety of food for the implementation of Food Contact Materials legislation.

Preparation of a laser-heating experiment inside a glovebox for the safe handling of nuclear materials.
  • research body
  • FMR

The Fuels and Materials Research facility provides an objective assessment and modelling of the safety-related behaviour of nuclear materials.

Technician preparing for an experiment.
  • research body

The JRC's High Pressure Gas Testing Facility carries out research and testing on high pressure hydrogen pipelines and components.

Hot Cells Laboratory at the Joint Research Centre of Karlsruhe, Germany
  • research body
  • HC-KA

The hot cell laboratory consists of 24 shielded hot cells where highly radioactive materials can be received, handled, examined and returned to their owners.

  • research body

In the framework of activities to support the migration priority the lab focused on cutting-edge work to help fighting irregular migration (early...