Innovative policymaking - European Commission Skip to main content
EU Science Hub

Innovative policymaking

Innovative policymaking in a complex world: science, foresight and evaluation for policymaking and democracy.

Contributes to European Commission priorites
  • 24 FEBRUARY 2023
JRC portfolio 33: Innovative policymaking


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Scientific tools

The ASEM Sustainable Connectivity Portal offers a wealth of data to explore the degree of connectivity between 51 European and Asian countries at political, institutional, economic and social levels and assess their sustainability performance.

The Composite Indicators and Scoreboards Explorer is a powerful tool to explore, create and visualize hundreds of indicators and scoreboards to better inform policy analysis and research and help make progress on Europe's and global challenges.

The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor is a tool designed to benchmark and boost the creative and cultural potential of European cities, which is vital to driving economic growth and social cohesion.

The ‘Cultural gems’ is a Mobile Web App that will allow city residents and tourists to share and discover hidden cultural and creative treasures of the 168 cities included in the Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor through treasure hunts.

The Digital Media Hub helps you easily discover how science for policy is linked to our daily lives in the EU.
You can explore our vast collection of animations, infographics, games, videos, virtual tours and other media.

The Digital Transition toolkit helps policymakers discuss key issues for building visions and strategies for the digital transition, engaging stakeholders to develop or improve existing strategies and increase their anticipatory capacity.

The FuturGov serious game was developed as a part of the The future of government 2030+: A citizen centric perspective of new government models with the aim of stimulating policy debates.

Knowledge4Policy (K4P) is the EU Commission's platform for evidence-based policymaking.

Megatrends are long-term driving forces that are observable now and will most likely have significant influence on the future.

The Migration Discussion toolkit consists of seven discussion formats for a forward-looking debate on migration and integration.

Reference foresight scenarios explore different possible futures for the global standing of the EU in 2040, offering strategic reflections which can serve as a compass for decision-makers navigating under increasingly unpredictable circumstances.

The SES is a future simulation tool to explore possible paths towards the future, in relation to a certain topic. It is a solution-oriented approach that applies to any policy topic.

Laboratories and facilities

Activities on this topic

Composite indicators and scoreboards, developed through expertise in statistical methodologies, provide policy-makers with a comprehensive overview for informed decision-making and effective progress monitoring.

Counterfactual impact evaluation provides essential insights into whether policy objectives were met and on the causal effects of policy. These aspects are essential for evaluating effectiveness and efficiency of policy.

The DIGCLASS Project explores the implications of the digital revolution for class inequalities—in education, jobs, wages, wealth and health—and political attitudes, identifying new social protection policies to reduce inequality of opportunity and outcomes and foster more inclusive economic growth.

Strategic foresight is a systematic and collaborative way of analysing different possible futures. In the Commission, we use it to take smarter, future-oriented policy decisions: we look at possible developments that could affect EU policies, through knowledge and imagination.