- Contributes to European Commission priorites
The socio-economic development of our societies faces many existing but also new challenges; for instance, the twin transition will affect households and their prospects. The political priority of social cohesion and development is expected to intensify in the future, putting the social dimension at the heart of Europe’s policy agenda. At the same time, social policies and social standards are important for people.
Our goals:
- Provide a unified space integrating competencies across the JRC for the analysis of key trends and prospects of the society (inequalities, poverty, health status, socio-economic impacts of policies);
- Analyse the consequences of the twin transition on fairness and social cohesion;
- Address the transversal guiding principle of ‘equality for all and equality in all its senses’ within the recovery context and in particular, support the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

- Climate Action
- Communications Networks, Content and Technology
- Economic and Financial Affairs
- Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
- Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
- Energy
- Environment
- European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
- Health and Food Safety
- International Partnerships
- Justice and Consumers
- Migration and Home Affairs
- Mobility and Transport
- Recovery and Resilience Task Force
- Regional and Urban Policy
- Research and Innovation
- Secretariat-General
- Taxation and Customs Union