- Contributes to European Commission priorites
Biodiversity loss is one of the main threats to humanity today. There is indeed an urgent need to protect nature, restore and enhance its natural capital, and to break the link between economic growth and the unsustainable use of natural resources.
Our goals:
- Increase scientific knowledge, mainstream biodiversity across policies, stimulate behavioural change and public engagement.
- Quantify the impacts and effectiveness of policies that restore and mitigate biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation.
- Identify the interdependencies between environmental and human health adopting a ‘One Health approach’.
- Support the monitoring and implementation of targets of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and the global and EU initiatives on ecosystems accounting.
- Assess the direction and speed of travel towards healthy biodiversity and natural capital, in the EU and globally.
- Agriculture and Rural Development
- Climate Action
- Economic and Financial Affairs
- Environment
- Eurostat - European statistics
- Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
- Health and Food Safety
- International Partnerships
- Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
- Regional and Urban Policy
- Research and Innovation
- Structural Reform Support
- Trade