The EU is a strong global performer in the transition towards sustainability, according to the new Transitions Performance Index (TPI), published by the Commission today.
The index ranks all EU countries plus 45 others around the world on their performance along four transitions: economic, social, environmental and governance. It will help the EU to monitor progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and delivering on its priorities.
The European Commission’s Competence Centre on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards (JRC-COIN) performed an independent statistical audit to validate the index’s methodology and ensure it returned robust results. It also made recommendations for future releases of the index.
The index uses 25 indicators with specific goalposts to follow the path taken by various countries towards fair and prosperous sustainability over the past decade. It illustrates the contributions of each transition to the overall performance of a country, indicating strengths and weaknesses, room for progress, and possible trade-offs.
Scoreboards and composite indicators, like the new Transitions Performance Index, are powerful tools for informing and mobilising citizens in the EU and for monitoring the impact of national policies.
JRC-COIN, with its statistical expertise and experience developing these tools, provides the ‘big picture’ for informed policy decisions and progress monitoring. It helps policymakers monitor the impact of EU strategies and policies at national, regional and local levels. With robust composite indicators, policymakers can shape policy and monitor progress in many different areas.
The JRC’s statistical independent assessment is based on the recommendations of the Handbook on Constructing Composite Indicators as well as on the experience gained from a review of more than 100 international composite indicators and scoreboards covering a wide array of policy domains.
More information
Website: Transitions Performance Index (TPI)
Research and Innovation news alert
Report: Towards fair and prosperous sustainability
The European Semester autumn package
The Competence Centre on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards
Related Content
Website: Transitions Performance Index (TPI)
Research and Innovation news alert
Report: Towards fair and prosperous sustainability
The European Semester autumn package
The Competence Centre on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards
- Publication date
- 18 February 2021