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  • News article
  • 26 November 2019
  • 2 min read

EUROMOD management on track to move to the JRC by 2020

What’s the effect of taxes and benefits on household incomes? And of work incentives for various EU countries?

EUROMOD is the tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union. It enables researchers and policy analysts to simulate, consistently across Member States, the effects of taxes and benefits on household incomes and work incentives for a representative sample of the population of each Member State.

Initially developed and managed by the University of Essex, the tool is in a transition period that will bring it under JRC responsibility. According to recent EUROMOD Workshop and Annual Project Meeting 2019, the transfer is on track to be finalised in 2020 and the EUROMOD community continues to grow in skills and expertise. This event took place on 25-27 September in Milan and was co-organised by the JRC together with the University of Milan.

During the first day of the workshop, experts from both academic and policy institutions shared their experiences on the use of administrative data for policy analysis through presentations and through fruitful discussions at a roundtable session. Both of them highlighted that administrative data are a powerful and increasingly important tool for academic research and policy analysis although confidentiality issues create access restrictions.

In the second day, participants learned about new developments in microsimulation modelling with presentations on frontier research in this area. The treated topics included the extension of EUROMOD to work with UK longitudinal data; dynamic and spatial microsimulation; environmental policy analysis; the combination of tax-benefit simulations with general equilibrium models.

At the Annual Meeting participants discussed the state of the transfer of EUROMOD from the University of Essex to the European Commission and looked at the plans for the coming years. It was confirmed that the transfer is going according to plan, actually slightly faster than expected.

Over the course of 2020, the last group of countries will undergo the transfer, while JRC and Eurostat are taking increasing responsibilities in the project and data management and other "non-country" tasks. The meeting also discussed the plans for the future governance of EUROMOD, including the creation of a Steering Committee and Scientific Advisory Board. Eurostat presented the ongoing plan to improve the quality of the SILC data.

During the last day of the Annual Meeting, after an overview of the uses of EUROMOD over the last year both in academic research and policy applications, National Teams presented recent work based on this microsimulation model.

All the presentation are available in the following links:


Publication date
26 November 2019