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News article5 March 20211 min read

Dry conditions in parts of Africa and Central Asia

ASAP hotspot assessment February 2021

The February edition of the JRC's Anomaly Hotspots of Agricultural Production (ASAP) assessment is now available at:

Anomaly Hotspots of Agricultural Production (ASAP) assessment

Main findings of the February global overview:

  • Most parts of Southern Africa are experiencing beneficial agroclimatic conditions and a favourable cereal harvest output is expected. However, in south-western Angola, northern Mozambique and southern Madagascar, persistent rainfall deficits have resulted in well below-average crop and rangeland conditions.
  • In East Africa, the second crop season has ended and close-to-average production is expected. Exceptions are parts of the Horn of Africa, where low crop production is expected due to rainfall deficits, but also due to other factors (desert locusts, COVID-19, flooding in Somalia). A slight delay in belg rainfall is observed in southern and western Ethiopia.
  • In North Africa, crop conditions are favourable thanks to abundant rainfall and mild winter temperatures. Areas of concern are western and central Algeria and north-eastern Morocco, where rainfall conditions have worsened and there is a risk of below-average yields, mainly in Algeria.
  • In the Middle East, winter cereals are in good condition, with the exception of parts of north-eastern Syria, north-western Iraq and eastern Iran, where growth is delayed. In Yemen, food security conditions remain critical.
  • Large parts of Central Asia are affected by rainfall since last October having been the lowest for the last 30 years, with no clear impact yet since it is early in the season. In South Asia, winter cereal conditions are good, despite some rainfall deficits occurring over parts of the region since January.
  • In south-east Asia, conditions are good for dry and wet season rice. Localised areas in Indonesia and the Philippines have reported damaged rice crops due to heavy rains.
  • In Central America, apante season is progressing under favourable conditions and total bean and maize production is estimated to reach average to above-average levels.

The next assessment is scheduled for the end of March 2021.

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Anomaly Hotspots of Agricultural Production (ASAP) assessment


Publication date
5 March 2021