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  • News article
  • 8 April 2022
  • Joint Research Centre
  • 1 min read

Collaboration agreement signed between JRC, BEPA and EGVIAfor2Zero on battery technologies and testing

On 29 March 2022, the JRC, EGVIAfor2Zero and BEPA signed a collaboration agreement aiming at the identification and development of new approaches in the areas of battery technologies, battery testing and sustainability assessment.

Signature ceremony BEPA-JRC-ENVIA
Signing the BEPA-EGVIA-JRC collaboration agreement at H2020RTR21 in Brussels, 29th March 2022
© European Union, 2022

On 29 March 2022, during the H2020RTR21 conference, in Brussels, Bernard Magenhann, Deputy Director General of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), Stephan Neugebauer, Chairman of the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association for the 2Zero partnership (EGVIAfor2Zero) and Michael Lippert, Chairman of the Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA), signed a collaboration agreement aiming at the identification and development of new approaches in the areas of battery technologies, battery testing and sustainability assessment.

This agreement continues and enlarges a successful collaboration of JRC with the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association (EGVIA), the predecessor of EGVIAfor2Zero, on battery testing since 2015. The three speakers highlighted the need for continuous exchange between industry, research and policy makers and stressed the benefit that the renewed Collaboration Agreement could bring for the cooperation between enabling technologies and applications and how the know-how generated could support future policies.

EGVIAfor2Zero is an international non for profit association gathering 111 members both from industry and research active in R&I to promote climate neutrality of road transport in Europe. Since 2021, it represents the Partners other than the Union in the Towards zero emission road transport partnership (2Zero), which is co-programmed with the European Commission aiming at accelerating research, development and demonstration of technologies focusing on zero tailpipe emission road transport.

BEPA is an international association representing 185 research and industry members of the European battery value chain in the BATT4EU Partnership. This co-programmed Partnership, established in June 2021 between the European Commission and BEPA under Horizon Europe, aims to achieve a competitive, sustainable and circular European industrial value-chain for e-mobility and stationary applications.

As the science and knowledge service of the European Commission, the Joint Research Centre's mission is to support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle. The JRC conducts research in the field of batteries covering different aspects of the related value chain in Petten, Seville and Ispra.



Publication date
8 April 2022
Joint Research Centre