Territories in ACTION Live News - European Commission Skip to main content
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Territories in ACTION Live News

Follow three excellent examples of using local strengths to innovate and grow. And your territory? What is your potential to innovate? Tune in and discover the secrets of innovative places with truly transformative powers. 

Addressing complex challenges requires different tools, mindsets and approaches from those traditionally used, which contributed to create some of these challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and inequalities. 

The report Innovation for place-based transformations. ACTIONbook, practices and tools is a comprehensive hands-on resource set to empower local, regional and national stakeholders across Europe to drive societal well-being and climate-resilient development through strategic partnerships and purpose-driven actions. 

In the Territories in ACTION Live News we will visit Kera, a future sustainable district in Finland where low-carbon concrete is produced. We will also stop by Medimurje, in Croatia, and learn how they transformed former barracks into a knowledge centre where children can learn robotics and science. And we will travel to Tuscany, Italy, to see how a traditional textile district can become circular thanks to digitalisation. 

All of them are excellent examples of using local strengths to innovate and grow. And your territory? What is your potential to innovate? 
Tune in and discover the secrets of innovative places with truly transformative powers. 


  • regional policy
  • Tuesday 9 April 2024, 11:00 - 12:30 (CEST)
  • Live streaming available

Practical information

Tuesday 9 April 2024, 11:00 - 12:30 (CEST)