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- Tuesday 20 April 2021, 13:30 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Tuesday 20 April 2021, 13:30 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
Actionable information from Earth observation (EO) data has become increasingly valuable to public and private efforts that improve our planet and people. The Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation serves as a focal point to translate this data into evidence for EU policymaking decisions and implementation.
Watch the recorded launch event
The launch event took place on April 20, 2021 with over 700 participants in attendance.
11:30 Launch Session – Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation
Stephen Quest (Director-General, JRC) and Timo Pesonen (Director-General, DEFIS)
Launch Video and presentation of the European Commission Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation by Giovanni De Santi (Director Sustainable Resources, JRC)
Research & Innovation supporting the Green Deal:
Mariya Gabriel (Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth)
Member States engagement:
Portuguese Presidency, Manuel Heitor (Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education)
ESA Contribution to the EU Flagship Programme Copernicus:
Josef Aschbacher (Director-General, ESA)
International Dimension:
QU Dongyu (Director-General, FAO)
Policy Beneficiaries of Earth Observation Information:
Charlina Vitcheva (Director-General, MARE)
Florika Fink-Hooijer (Director-General, ENV)
Paraskevi Michou (Director-General, ECHO)
Closure by European Commission – Diederik Samsom (Head of Cabinet for the Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal)
13:15 Lunch
14:30 EO Capacity and Policy Uptake
14:30 Welcome by Matthias Petschke (Director Space, DEFIS)
14:35 Presentation of the European Commission Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation and the Evolution of the Copernicus Programme
14:45 Further Commission EO Programmes: Horizon Europe and Destination Earth
14:55 Round Table Session 1, View of Copernicus Champion User, moderated by Giovanni De Santi (Director Sustainable Resources, JRC)
With Directors from Main Policy User DGs: ENV, AGRI, CLIMA, INTPA
Followed by Q&A
15:40 Break
15:50 Round Table Session 2, Implementing EO support to policy, moderated by Dan Chirondojan (Director Space, Security and Migration, JRC)
With implementing partners of the Copernicus programme: ESA, EUMETSAT, ECMWF, Mercator Ocean, SatCen, Frontex, EMSA, EEA, GSA
Followed by Q&A
16:55 Closure by Giovanni De Santi
17:00 Adjourn
Background on the Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation
The priorities of the Green Deal and the Digital Strategy represent both challenges and opportunities. Digital technologies linked to Earth Observation can be used to address a wide range of sectoral policies, increasing their coherence, leading to a fundamental modernisation of evidence-based policymaking.
For this transformation to be fully implemented, there is a need for a focal point within the Commission and the establishment of the Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation (KCEO) represented a timely opportunity to address this. The KCEO actively engages with User Policy DGs to optimise the translation of EO data into fit-for-purpose products and services, ultimately leading to better regulation. The KCEO also provides a forum for dialogue with the implementing entities associated with Copernicus and helps to prioritise investments in next-generation Earth Observation research and technological development to enhance the exploitation of Copernicus 2.0 throughout the policy cycle.
The KCEO is a dynamic and inclusive platform that helps translate policy needs into technical requirements and supports a broad network of EO users within the European Commission and beyond for better EU regulation.
For additional information please email: EC-KCEO@ec.europa.eu
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