JRC at the International Symposium on Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT 12) - European Commission
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JRC at the International Symposium on Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT 12)

The 2023 12th International Symposium on Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT 12) will be held at Cape Town, South Africa on 27 February - 2 March, 2023.

The 12th International Symposium on Targeted Alpha Therapy will provide information on the newest developments in preclinical studies, clinical experiences, dosimetry and instrumentation, quality assurance, regulatory, targeting, radiochemistry, and nuclide production and supply. TAT12 will be the first symposium on the African continent, highlighting the close and fruitful collaboration of JRC and University of Pretoria in the development of targeted alpha therapy. The event in Cape Town will network and connect with approx. 300 specialist and leaders on all over the world. It will be the occasion to learn about technological developments and projects accomplishment from specialise presentations and panels.

Full programme available on the event website.

Online registration is open:

  • nuclear research
  • Monday 27 February 2023, 09:01 - Thursday 2 March 2023, 09:01 (CET)

Practical information

Monday 27 February 2023, 09:01 - Thursday 2 March 2023, 09:01 (CET)
TAT 12 website
