Reuse of the DigCompOrg report
DigCompOrg report is available for reuse, according to the reuse policy of the European Commission, which is implemented by a Decision of 12 December 2011. You can reproduce it (copy and redistribute it in any medium or format) and reuse it (adapt, translate, remix, transform and build on it), for any purpose other than the initial purpose for which it was produced, including commercial and non-commercial ones.
However, you must acknowledge the original source as it is stated on the cover of the DigCompOrg report and fully respect any other reuse conditions specified in the document (namely, the obligation not to distort the original meaning of the document and the non-liability of the Commission for any consequences stemming from the reuse). Reuse in a manner calculated to deceive or to defraud is not authorised and you should avoid to imply or suggest in any way that the Commission endorses you or your use.
If you wish to translate the DigCompOrg report, we suggest you to follow the guidelines below:
- Fully respect the reuse conditions specified in the copyright notice / disclaimer of DigCompOrg report.
- Acknowledge the original source as it is stated on the original document and, if possible, provide a link to it (i.e.!k6kqCW).
- Indicate any changes or modifications (e.g. translation) made to the original document, their author(s) and responsible organisations and declare that the European Commission is not responsible for the translation;
- Avoid to imply or suggest in any way that the Commission endorses you or your use;
- Avoid reproducing in a modified document unique identifiers (e.g. ISBN, doi) included in a report for purposes other than to refer to the original document.
As an example to be included in a translated report, the following notice would constitute a proper attribution:
"First published in English as Promoting Effective Digital-Age Learning: A European Framework for Digitally-Competent Educational Organisations (!k6kqCW) by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre
© European Union, 2015
[language] translation: © [identification of the translator and/or responsible organisation] [year]. The European Commission is not responsible for this translation and cannot be held liable for any consequence stemming from the reuse of the document."
Use of the European Emblem
Please note that if the intended reuse consists in a modification to the original document (e.g. translation) and you intend to continue to use the European Emblem, any of its elements or the logo of the European Commission, additional conditions shall apply. These cannot be used to imply or suggest unintended endorsement or promotion of the objectives and activities of the user the institutions, bodies, offices, agencies and organs of the European Union or the Council of Europe.
In addition, the use of the logo of the European Commission always requires prior express authorisation.
For additional information, please visit the dedicated website:
The visual identity of the European Commission