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EDO & GDO regional, national and local products

The Drought indicators produced by EDO and GDO are complemented by regional and local indicators (e.g., national, regional, and river basin).

These indicators are based on data provided by independent organizations, and made available through interoperable web-mapping services or ad-hoc integration into the European Drought Observatory (EDO) and the Global Drought Observatory (GDO). With these layers, users can deepen their analysis from continental scale to finer scales, test indicators and study drought-related phenomena and events at different scales or comparing different approaches. 

Map showing Drought Impact in Czechia and Slovakia in April 2023
Map showing Drought Impact in Czechia and Slovakia in April 2023
European Drought Observatory, 2023

Example in Czechia and Slovakia of a Regional, National and Local Products visualisation within the European Drought Observatory.  

The active Regional, National and Local products on EDO are



Area: South-Eastern Europe 

Standardized Precipitation Index SPI 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month accumulation period (monthly) 

Drought Management Centre for Southeastern Europe DMCSEE


Area: Portugal 

Standardized Precipitation Index SPI 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-month accumulation period (monthly)

Palmer Drought Severity Index PDSI Observed, monthly 

Palmer Drought Severity Index PDSI Previews (monthly) 

Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera IPMA 

Area: Rhine River Basin

Rhine gauge data Low Flow (daily) 

International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine ICPR


Area: Ebro River Basin

Natural Drought (monthly)

Temporary Water Scarcity (monthly)

Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro CHE

Area: Segura River Basin 

Temporary Water Scarcity (monthly)

Basin System Status Index [ 2004-2018]

Natural Drought (monthly) 

Confederacion Hidrografica del Segura CHS


Area: Czechia and Slovakia

Drought Intensity (weekly)

Drought Impacts on Agriculture by District (weekly)



Area: Romania

Daily Soil Moisture Reserve (10-day) 

Average Daily Soil Temperature (10-day) 

Agrometeorological Department of MeteoRomania


For the Global Drought Observatory GDO, a Combined Drought Indicator CDI over East Africa is provided by the East Africa Drought Watch (IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre). 

Combined Drought Index for East Africa, Second decade of April 2023, showing pockets of drought in Tanzania
Combined Drought Index for East Africa, Second decade of April 2023, showing pockets of drought in Tanzania
Global Drought Observatory, 2023

Visualization on GDO of the Combined Drought Indicator CDI provided by the East Africa Drought Watch (ICPAC) .


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